• Awards and Achievements
  • 25 Sep 2020

We Ranked 780th in TİM 1000

We Ranked 780th in TİM 1000

In 2019, we made our mark by rising 116 steps at once among Turkey’s Top 1000 exporters, reaching 780th place.

Vaden, the growing value of the world, has added another to its successes in the field of exports. We are proud to be ranked 780th this year by rising 116 steps at once among Turkey’s 1000 largest exporters.

This great success proves once again the increasing influence of our company in global markets and our world-class production quality. Our strategic steps to increase our export capacity play an important role in achieving our growth goals in international markets. Our determination to become a brand that makes a name for itself not only in production but also in exports has been one of the most important factors that has brought us to where we are today.

This rise is not only a success but also a stepping stone to the bigger goals we will achieve in the future. This success, which we have achieved with the hard work and dedication of all our employees, provides us with great motivation to further strengthen our position in global markets. By aiming to climb even higher among Turkey’s leading companies in the field of exports, we will continue to successfully represent our country in the international arena.

As the Vaden family, we are experiencing this pride together, and we are working tirelessly to carry our successes even further every day.

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